Since the beginning of the Internet, Americans have primarily used three main Top Level Domains (TLDs) for our websites: .COM, .NET, and .ORG. There are other TLDs that have been introduced that we’re all familiar with, such as .EDU and .GOV. It’s been fairly easy for us to register .COM, .NET, and .ORG domain names. You have to be associated with an educational institution or a government entity to secure a .EDU or a .GOV domain name. And then there’s the others that have been available for quite some time now, such as .INFO, .BIZ, and .TV. Most consumers in the USA are typically are used to the top three, .COM, .NET, and .ORG.
In countries outside of the USA, the Country Code Top Level Domains (ccTLDs), are widely accepted and in fact often the default option. Country codes include (United Kingdom), .es (Spain), (Australia), .ca (Canada), and .it (Italy), and are always two letters long.
Depending on the location of your business, a ccTLD makes perfect sense as an alternative to .com. Since January 2014, there are literally hundreds of new Generic Top Level Domains (New gTLDs) becoming available, and many are already available for registration.
Keyword Rich Domain Names
It is widely thought that one way to potentially gain some search engine marketing advantage is to buy a keyword rich domain name that includes the TLD as one of the main keywords. This strategy has been said to not matter when it comes to search engine ranking advantages in Google, though. In March, 2012, Matt Cutts, a representative from Google, addressed a myth about the new gTLDs. Specifically, he said:
“Google has a lot of experience in returning relevant web pages, regardless of the top-level domain (TLD). Google will attempt to rank new TLDs appropriately, but I don’t expect a new TLD to get any kind of initial preference over .com, and I wouldn’t bet on that happening in the long-term either. If you want to register an entirely new TLD for other reasons, that’s your choice, but you shouldn’t register a TLD in the mistaken belief that you’ll get some sort of boost in search engine rankings.”
So, buying a keyword-rich new gTLD domain name apparently does not carry any extra weight when it comes to actual search engine rankings, at least not in Google’s organic search results. However, at Globe Runner, as Search Engine Optimization experts, we have seen many cases where keyword rich domain names that include the keyword in the extension. They appear to help a website’s SEO and overall search engine visibility.
Based on our ongoing research study, using a keyword rich new gTLD domain name in a Google AdWords Pay Per Click campaign has its benefits.
.WINE and .VIN New gTLDs
Two new domain name extensions that are becoming available to wine enthusiasts and the wine industry are the .WINE and .VIN TLDs. Domain names in these extensions will be available for registration by the public starting at the end of January 2016.
Important .WINE and .VIN Dates
Globe Runner has teamed up with the Wine Guy, Chris Campbell, and created the definitive guide to the .Wine and .Vin new gTLD domain names. Our guide, titled “Navigating the .WINE and .VIN New gTLD Domain Names”, includes everything you need to know about Early Access, What Trademark holders need to know, and what Brand owners need to know. We also cover issues like how to choose a .WINE or .VIN domain name, and include a checklist for moving your existing website to a .WINE or .VIN domain name.
Here is the table of contents of our guide to navigating the .WINE and .VIN new gTLD domain names:
What’s Inside
About the Authors
Introduction: New gTLD Domain Names
.WINE and .VIN
Keyword Rich Domain Names
Application Process and Key Dates
Important .WINE and .VIN Dates
.WINE and .VIN Early Access Program Registration Fees
Domain Pricing Examples
Brand Owners: What You Need to Know
ICANN and the Trademark Clearinghouse
The Central Registry
Contention Over .WINE and .VIN TLDs
Regulatory Climate
Intellectual Property
Uses of .WINE and .VIN
Choosing a .WINE or .VIN Domain Name
Google Analytics
Online Keyword Research Tools
Moving to a .WINE or .VIN Domain Name
Checklist for Moving to a New gTLD Domain Name
On Moving Day:
After Moving Day
Whether you’re a brand owner, a trademark owner, a domain name investor, or simply someone who enjoys a great glass of wine, you’ll want to download this guide.