SEO Factors to Improve Your Rankings in 2022
With over 4 billion people in the world looking for you on the almost 2 billion websites that exist, you need to be on top of your search engine optimization (SEO) game if you want any of the 6 in 10 working-age internet users who buy something online at least once a week to buy their next product or service from you. Unfortunately, there is no one-and-done solution or checklist for exceptional SEO. Where your page shows up in the rankings depends on complex algorithms that take hundreds of factors into consideration—and those algorithms change on a regular basis. While you can’t control how search engines think, you can improve search engine ranking by making your website and content as algorithm-friendly as they can be.
SEO is complex and there are many nuances to improving page rank and boosting your brand visibility. The three main categories of SEO are on-page, off-page, and technical. Although each of these could fill up its own blog series, we’ll give you a brief overview of each.
- Technical SEO encapsulates all the technical aspects of your site that affect its placement on Search Engine Ranking Pages (SERPs). This includes your very site architecture itself, loading speeds, sitemaps, meta tags, JSON-LD schema, structured data markup, site navigation, and link structure. Usability is a key aspect of search algorithms, so ensuring your site works well on the backend is key to giving your brand a rankings boost.
- On-Page SEO refers to everything on your page that affects its ranking. This is where keyword research and content optimization come in. If your site is technically perfect and has a stellar user experience, it means nothing if the content on your page isn’t optimized to what users are searching for.
- Off-Page SEO includes the elements outside of your site that build its popularity and ranking. Link building is a key part of this, driving traffic from other sites to yours through blogs and other valuable content. Search engines are looking for your E-A-T (Expertise – Authoritativeness – Trustworthiness) factors, and both your on- and off-page SEO build all three of those.
Globe Runner’s Dallas-based SEO experts know how to rank higher on Google and other search engines. We keep up to date on all the latest changes in search engine algorithms and boost your site and content visibility. From the very foundations of your website to content optimization to paid search and more, Globe Runner SEO services are rocket fuel for your business. And remember, SEO is an ongoing process, and Globe Runner keeps track of how your page is performing with detailed analytics and by monitoring keyword rankings. Get in touch today for more information and check out a few answers to common questions about Google rankings below.
What are important Google ranking factors?
The good news is that we know that there are at least 200 factors that Google takes into consideration when ranking pages. The bad news is that Google has never (and likely will never) tell anyone outside of Google exactly what they are. And the algorithms are updated on a regular basis, changing and refining what’s important. Search Engine Optimization is a constantly evolving landscape and keeping your pages and content on top of SERPS is a never-ending process. Here’s what we do know that will most likely always play a huge role in your ranking:
- High-quality content—Keywords and search intent will always be important, but the content also needs to be informative, valuable, factual, well-written, and fresh.
- User Experience (UX)—Google new Page Experience update will be completely rolled out by March 2022, and it’s important—particularly because it’s one of the few ranking factors that is comprehensively documented. It includes your core web vitals, mobile-friendliness, whether pages are served over HTTPS, and whether the page includes intrusive interstitials.
- Local—Google factors in relevance (how well your business matches the query), distance (how far the business is from the physical distance searched and/or the physical distance of the searcher), and prominence (how well-known your business is).
- Links and Technical Optimization—Both internal links and backlinking continue to be extremely important to your place on SERPs. In addition, don’t neglect your technical optimization, including metadata, schema markup, internal linking structure, tags, etc.
Why is your rank in Google important?
While Google is not the only search engine people are using, it is the most used. Just over 80 percent of searches worldwide are done on Google. In the United States, that increases total almost 87 percent. If people are looking for your products or services, chances are, they’re looking on Google.