SEO Updates
Experts in the search marketing world have been watching the last major manual Panda Refresh the past three days. This was the 25th and final announced and published update to Panda, Google’s anti-web spam algorithm. Google has stated that “Panda is becoming more of a ‘rolling’ update.” Google Distinguished Engineer, Matt Cutts, is quoted at SMX saying:
Rather than having some huge change that happens on a given day. You are more likely in the future to see Panda deployed gradually as we rebuild the index. So you are less likely to see these large scale sorts of changes.
This is encouraging to us at Globe Runner, we are monitoring all of our clients’ sites and have not been hit by the major Panda updates and with only small tweaks coming in the future, we are confident that we can keep doing what we are doing to rank well. Google is recognizing our clients’ quality sites.
Social News
Pinterest has finally announced an analytics tool! The analytics will show verified website owners the information they have been waiting for since Pinterest began: the number of people who have pinned items from the site, the items/images that are the most popular to pinners, how many people have visited your site from Pinterest, and even the most popular repins. For businesses looking to quantify the value or traffic coming from Pinterest to their site, the process just became much easier. At Globe Runner, we are encouraging our clients to contact us if they have questions about their Pinterest strategy or would like to begin using Pinterest.
There were also a few updates to Google+ this month. The three main updates are a new local reviews tab, an easier interface to update your information, and a new aspect ratio for cover images. The new aspect ratio is enormous. Photos can now be 2120 x 1192 pixels, this means your cover photo can now cover the entire screen “above the fold” of the Google+ page.
Globe Runner Internal Update
Our CEO Eric McGehearty was featured February 28 in the Upstart Business Journal for an article he authored on why young entrepreneurs are “too dumb to fail.” The article tells Eric’s story from artist to entrepreneur two times over before the age of 30. Read the full article.
Just for Fun
If you have ever wondered how Google Search works and did not want to engage in a long and involved technical conversation with an algorithm engineer, Google has released a website entitled How Search Works. The site is interactive and allows you to follow a search query through the process to the results. Google’s Inside Search blog describes the content as including:
- An interactive, graphical explanation of Google Search
- A view into major search algorithms and features
- A 43-page document explaining how we evaluate our results
- A live slideshow of spam as we remove it
- Graphs illustrating the spam problem and how we fight it
- A list of policies that explain when we’ll remove content